Driving project and platform success

Through our broad range of insight delivery services, we create long term impact that drives both project and platform success.

We offer three distinct forms of insight delivery service. These are available to all InsightHub clients in isolation or together. Management services provide long-term platform care, with a focus on data quality, member communication and engagement. Close connection services take insight further with a range of programmes that stimulate business engagement. Insight services provide fast access to our multi-disciplined team for project support.

Management Services

Close Connection Services

Agile Research Assistance

Sprint Review Services

Rapid Response Service

Management Services

Managing an insight platform requires a broad set of skills. But the reward is an engaging environment that consistently delivers return on research investment. Our management services are designed to streamline insight generation by handling time consuming administrative tasks and leaving in-house research teams free to run projects at the speed of business.

Streamlined platform management

As experts in online research, we know that a well-maintained insight platform is key to generating high quality data. But from recruiting relevant, profiled participants to minimising churn and regularly communicating with members, there are a number of routine activities that can contribute to the success of a platform. Our database, communication and engagement management services come together to ensure the right InsightHub members are available for, aware of and engaged in providing feedback during critical research projects.

Database Management

This service covers the administrative activities that are required to keep a platform running smoothly. Our team take care of recruitment, churn management and maintenance to ensure platform data is always up to date.

Recruitment - Based on client needs, our team design profiling & screener surveys, create custom invitations and build platform segments. Recruitment activities can be wave based or ongoing depending on requirements.

Churn management - To maintain a healthy and active platform, we identify members with low engagement rates or at risk of dropping out to target with custom designed re-engagement emails twice per year.

Database cleaning - In order to provide a platform that upholds consumer privacy best practice and delivers quality data, our team synchronise data between insight and CRM platforms - adding to profiles and removing details of old members.

Communication Management

Regular contact with platform members is vital to long-term success. This is a service in which our team communicate with members via email and telephone to provide information on upcoming tasks, reminders about ongoing activities, and deliver incentives.

Welcome content - Insight platform churn peaks during first-time log in. We aim to engage members from the start with relevant, interesting activities.

Platform member service - As online experts, our team is perfectly placed to answer any questions, concerns or technical difficulties members have.

Monthly prize draw management - We fully manage schemes that contribute to better engagement.

HTML newsletters - To maximise engagement, we create & distribute quarterly emails to members that share vital feedback and future activities.

Health reporting - Every quarter, our team share visual reports and expert advice with in-house teams on how to maximise platform ROI.

Engagement Management

This service involves regularly engaging with platform members outside of scheduled research to foster habits and encourage members to regularly log in, creating a core community of engaged participants.

Dynamic rewards - Predictability and stagnation are two of the most significant factors that influence churn rates. To address this, we regularly surprise members with ad-hoc incentives such as double points weeks and delight members with occasional special touches for participation or valued contribution.

Fortnightly email updates - We send curated emails to all platform members every two weeks, sharing the latest research tasks and activities to encourage participation.

Daily moderation - To foster regular engagement, we don’t just moderate scheduled research tasks, but also the shared spaces within an insight platform in which natural discussions grow.

Themed content calendar - Our team plan relevant, themed content outside of scheduled research tasks with the support of key platform members in order to foster a greater sense of purpose and encourage regular platform engagement.

Quarterly engagement topics - Building on the themes laid out in the content calendar, engagement topics include research tasks and activities outside of scheduled projects that are designed to encourage participation from as many members as possible.

Close Connection Services

Engaging stakeholders is a common but complex challenge. One-off engagements may provide initial benefit, but it is quick to subside. Maintaining interest in consumer data, customer feedback and diverse voices is vital to long term success. Close connection services introduce materials and solutions that help teams grow the role of insights in a sustainable fashion.

Developing customer connections

We work with clients to identify business areas that would benefit from closer connection to customers, before implementing programmes that take into account both internal barriers and real commercial challenges. We adapt frameworks to fit current methodologies, existing stakeholder relationships and insight team preference. The resulting programmes immerse decision makers directly in research activities and bring them face-to-face with customers to build empathy and drive informed decisions.

Survey Close Connections

Robust survey training that improves confidence, democratises data and empowers decision makers.

At the outset of the programme, FlexMR work with insight teams to identify key stakeholders and put together a draft training timeline. We schedule introductions and ensure that decision makers are on-board with the course aims prior to the start date.

Training is delivered through two group masterclass workshops and individual check-ins. At the end of the initial training period, we host an insight team review and award stakeholders for course completion. Ongoing reviews help to maintain data quality and provide confidence in research quality. This results in a culture that empowers stakeholders to engage with basic research directly and seek insight team support on complex projects.

Video Close Connections

Amplifying customer voices through immersive, video interviews.

The programme revolves around a customer interview conducted by decision makers and supported by expert chaperones. These live, one-to- one video sessions, facilitated by our Focus GroupMR tool, are a quick and easy way to bring feedback to life. Our team handle customer recruitment, session set up and conduct a pre-session technical check with chosen customers.

Prior to the session, we provide guidance and documentation on how to develop an effective topic guide. Our team also host a briefing call to align objectives and run through how the session will work. During the interview, we provide an introduction and are on-hand throughout the session to support.

Agile Research Assistance

We believe in flexibility, agility and results at the speed of business. That’s why we offer a full range of insight services that adapt to the needs of our clients - including part and full-service delivery. Our team are able to execute end-to-end projects, provide support in a single area or work collaboratively to deliver on objectives. From recruitment to fieldwork, moderation to analysis - our team have the knowledge and experience to deliver.

A full roster of flexible services

We are a bold mix of researchers, innovators, strategists, creatives, number crunchers and futurists. But one thing brings us all together: a passion for helping global brands solve their toughest challenges through high-quality insight. We act as an extension of our clients’ insight teams, delivering a full roster of services that extend capacity and help embed insight across entire organisations. Spanning both qualitative and quantitative specialties, we are confident in our ability to deliver quality insight every time.


Designing survey questions, writing interview topic guides, developing long-term and multi-method project plans are among some of the most common research design tasks we undertake.


Research success hinges on attracting relevant, qualified participants. We work with customer databases, a range of global partners and marketing materials to fully or part manage recruitment.


We thrive on fieldwork challenges. From survey scripting to focus group moderation, programming diaries to managing asynchronous qual, the FlexMR team deliver quality results every time.


Transforming data into actionable insight is what we do best. Our team have a keen eye for detail, natural curiosity and experience with a wide variety of qualitative and quantitative analysis methods.


We offer seven distinct reporting styles to meet any need. Our team produce data tables, research and action reports, executive summaries, business workshops, visual outputs and interactive formats.

Sprint Review Service

Reframe market research in your business and prove the value of insights in little ways every day through agile sprint reviews. In the journey towards increased flexibility, agility and results at the speed of business, sprint reviews offer a great opportunity to achieve all of those at once. The Sprint Review Service is designed to facilitate regular check-ins alongside traditional debriefs, creating more opportunities for stakeholder collaboration, research evolution and continuous insight delivery.

Agile customer connections

Creating a regular cycle of engagement with customer feedback provides vital opportunities to increase the value of research and insights. Traditional debriefs are undergone only after a project is concluded, but with sprint review-style meetings as the research is ongoing means insight teams can communicate insights as they’re generation and spark stakeholder action at the speed of business.

Encourage Creative Collaboration

Generate truly actionable insights through regular creative collaboration between stakeholders and insight experts.

Frequent check-ins and agile reports allow stakeholders and insight experts to collaborate and alter the timeline, trajectory and tactics of continuous research to enhance relevance and insights.

Agile tactics hold many opportunities to generate truly actionable insights; as more stakeholders collaborate in the research process, request additional tasks, more specific questions, and more, the insights generated will create enhanced value throughout the business.

Sprint reviews are a boon for both insight generation and delivery, enabling insight experts to deliver crucial insights quicker than ever. Pairing this programme with the familiar debriefs means stakeholders stand to gain from more engagement in the research processes, learn more about the power of market research through direct participation and jumpstart insights activation earlier than ever.

Rapid Response Service

The size and scope of strategic projects often means that smaller questions, which are still vital for day-to-day decision making, cannot be fulfilled. Our rapid response service offers a new, effective way to meet both business needs. The service offers access to a flexible, on-demand resource that works at the level of questions, not projects. And our quick turnaround delivers answers, vetted by a team of expert researchers, in a matter of hours and days.

Varied fieldwork options

The service offers access to qual and quant questions collected by quick polls, smartboards, forums and surveys. Rapid response surveys can also include video questions for direct and emotive customer engagement. Quant outputs are provided as interactive NumbersMR tables or direct data exports, while qualitative results are delivered in slide format. Simply tell us your preferences on the 10-minute briefing form and leave the rest to us.

Answer More Questions

Answer quick questions, improve response times and inform more decisions with a fast, flexible resource.

We understand the strain that managing minor research requests can add to an insight team. That’s why we have kept the setup and management of our rapid response service as simple as possible.

Before service provision begins, our experts will arrange an introductory session to discuss how your team can make the most of the rapid response service, and offer best practice for integrating into existing research operations. Once you're up and running, to keep the briefing process short, we provide access to an online form that takes no more than ten minutes to complete. Our team will then design, field and send across results within the agreed timeframe - it's as simple as that.

We had a great experience with the team, and are very impressed with their research knowledge. The plan was clear, fieldwork was professional and a great report was produced with a strong, compelling narrative. We now have a lot of great data to work off in future research studies

Research and Insight Manager, The Caravan and Motorhome Club

Flexible software plus service

Our services deliver tangible, measurable value to our clients in three core areas - each building on the promise of InsightHub. We offer support and education, consultative expertise and flexible insight delivery. By building flexible partnerships that draw on these domains - we are able to help our clients achieve greater efficiency, reach and influence. Want to find out how?

InsightHub platform

The InsightHub platform powers exceptional online research. Conduct surveys, focus groups, diaries and creative qual in a single, integrated space.

Support and education

An intensive onboarding programme, followed by on-demand access to our self-serve Help Centre and a dedicatedClient Support Desk.

Consultative services

Tailored programmes that address major insight challenges ranging from stakeholder engagement to the democratisation of data and beyond.

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